I am currently revising my website due to broken links and apps that don't work anymore. The software I used to create for instance flash movies, has been outdated and is not supported anymore :-( ...since January 2021, it is in fact no longer possible to run any Flash application in the new versions of most Web browsers. The major browser vendors (Google, Microsoft, Mozilla, Apple) have announced they will stop supporting Flash Player as a plug-in after 12/31/2020. And as of January 15, 2021, Adobe is even pushing an “uninstall script” to web browsers when encountering a site using Flash. To my dismay this unfortunately means, that I have to rethink, relearn and recreate a lot of content for this site So please accept my sincere apologies that almost no content is accessible at present, exept for Paintings , Thoughts & Illustrations. I am working hard to upload all revised and newly created content step by step. Please revisit my site after a while. Thank you for your patience and curiosity!
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